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Style Guide

Line Length

For optimal readability, a limit of 100 characters for maximum line length has been set. This is below the maximum line length of 132 characters for Fortran (to prevent compilation errors) and prevents long lines that run on past the edge of the screen wasting programmers time with scrolling.

Double declarations

PROCESS uses the Fortran 2008+ intrinsic precision module as shown in the example below. The use statement will need to be at the module level. See the fortran wiki for more information.

use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64

real(dp) :: b
!! Variable description

Naming conventions


All variables should be lower case.


Try to keep variable names to a sensible length. Abbreviations of some parts of the name are suitable e.g. div for divertor. Use underscores to separate words.

Physical Type

The physical type of the variable should form the first part of the variable name, e.g. for plasma resistance the variable should be named:

res_plasma = 1.0

Another example would be pulse length

time_pulse_length = 7200.0


Inside PROCESS all variables should be in SI units unless otherwise stated. For example:

! Fusion power [W]
p_fusion = 1000.0d6

! Fusion power [MW]
p_fusion_mw = 1000.0d0

Coordinates and dimensions

Coordinates should be defined as

r_plasma_centre = 9.0d0

z_plasma_centre = 0.0d0

theta_ = 

For dimensions

dr_cs = 

dz_cs = 

dtheta_description =

Loop order

Loop variables that use I, j etc. should use



Variable name Description Units
i_plasma Plasma current A
i_plasma_ma Plasma current MA
b_t_onaxis Toroidal field on-axis T
b_t_max Max toroidal field T
n_electron_vol Volume average electron density m-3
t_electron_vol_ev Volume avgerage electron temperature eV
m_steel Mass of steel kg
m_steel_tonne Mass of steel tonne
e_neutron_ev Energy of neutron eV
e_neutron_mev Energy of neutron MeV
v_tf_dump TF dump voltage V
time_plant_life Plant lifetime s
time_plant_life_yrs Plant lifetime years
dr_tf_inboard_leg TF coil inboard leg radial thickness m
dr_blanket_inboard Inboard blanket thickness m
velocity_coolant TF centrepost coolant velocity m/s
vol_plasma Plasma volume m3
a_plasma Plasma area m2
angle_div_target Divertor target angle radians
angle_div_target_deg Divertor target angle deg
sig_tf_r TF radial stress Pa

Please see issue 939 to discuss new conventions.

Code Documentation Using FORD

PROCESS uses FORD (FORtran Documentation) to automatically generate documentation from comments in the FORTRAN code. FORD parses FORTRAN source to understand the structure of the project as well as picking up "docmarked" comments in the source to create the documentation.

Regular Fortran comments are prefixed with a "!"; these are ignored by FORD and don't go into the documentation. FORD comments are prefixed by a "!!", called a docmark; these are picked up by FORD and go into the documentation.

The "!!" docmark goes after the statement it documents. For example, to document variables:

real(kind(1.0D0)) :: alphan = 0.25D0
!! Density profile index

real(kind(1.0D0)) :: alphap = 0.0D0
!! Pressure profile index

real(kind(1.0D0)) :: alpharate = 0.0D0
!! Alpha particle production rate (particles/m3/sec)

...and to document modules:

module global_variables
  !! Module containing miscellaneous global variables
  !! This module contains miscellaneous global variables not
  !! well-suited to any of the other 'variables' modules.

This documentation will appear in the FORD docs section in the left-hand navigation bar. Within this site, the "Variables" section in the top navigation bar provides variable descriptions in the same manner as the original "vardes" page.

To document a statement before it occurs in the source, use "!>". However, it is encouraged to use "!!" for consistency. The rationale behind this and further information is included on the FORD wiki.

The FORD project on github can be found here.

Example of FORD documentation for a subroutine (constraint equation)

subroutine constraint_eqn_001(args)
  !! author: J Morris
  !! category: equality constraint
  !! Relationship between beta, temperature (keV) and density
  !! \begin{equation} 
  !! c_i = 1 - \frac{1}{\beta}\left( \beta_{ft} + \beta_{NBI} + 2 \times 10^3 \mu_0 e
  !! \left( \frac{n_e T_e + n_i T_i}{B_{tot}^2} \right) \right)
  !! \end{equation}
  !! - \( \beta \) -- total plasma beta
  !! - \( \beta_{ft} \) -- fast alpha beta component
  !! - \( \beta_{NBI} \) -- neutral beam beta component
  !! - \( n_e \) -- electron density [m\(^3\)]
  !! - \( n_i \) -- total ion density [m\(^3\)]
  !! - \( T_e \) -- density weighted average electron temperature [keV]
  !! - \( T_i \) -- density weighted average ion temperature [keV]
  !! - \( B_{tot} \) -- total toroidal + poloidal field [T]

  use physics_variables, only: betaft, betanb, dene, ten, dnitot, tin, btot, beta
  use constants, only: echarge,rmu0

  implicit none

  type(constraint_args_type), intent(out) :: args
  !! constraint derived type

    args%cc = 1.0D0 - (betaft + betanb + &
      2.0D3*rmu0*echarge * (dene*ten + dnitot*tin)/btot**2 )/beta
    args%con = beta * (1.0D0 - args%cc)
    args%err = beta * args%cc
    args%symbol = '='
    args%units  = ''

end subroutine constraint_eqn_001


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