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git Usage

Commit Logs

To see the commit messages you can use the git log command. There are various options described below.

Command Description Example
-(n) show the last n commits git log -5
--since or --after limits the logs to be from date given git log --since "21-01-15"
can use number.scale where scale=year, month, week, day and minute git log --since 2.weeks
--until or --before limits the logs to be up to date given git log --until "22-01-15"
--author only shows commits from given author git log --author "morrisj"
--grep only show commits with a commit message containing the string given git log --grep "magnet"
--stat if you want to see some abbreviated stats for each commit git log --stat
--oneline Outputs commit number, date and message to a single line git log --oneline
--graph display commits in a ASCI graph/timeline git log --graph
-S only show commits adding or removing code matching the string git log -S "find_me"

Log → File

to output the log to a file add >> file_name.log to the end of the command

Changing the code

  • Create an issue on the PROCESS GitHub repo
  • Create a branch associated with that issue on GitHub
  • Clone the repository git clone
  • Swap to your branch git checkout [new_branch_name]

Committing changes

Make your changes to the code and at suitable stages commit locally:

  • git add file_changed_1 file_changed_2
  • git commit -m "COMMIT MESSAGE"

The commit message should be informative and give useful information for future development. Such as:

Made changes to the TF coil magnet model. 
  - Updated the allowable stress in the coils to be 600MPa. 
  - Remove side-wall case. Ran test suite and everything OK.

Update to magnet model

When you wish to push your branch back to the repository enter git push


Develop into your branch

  1. Make sure you have committed all of your changes to your local branch.
  2. Update your local repo with git pull
  3. Checkout the development branch git checkout develop
  4. Check remote repo again git pull
  5. Checkout your new branch git checkout my_branch_name
  6. Merge develop into your branch git merge develop
  7. If there are conflicts check the files listed for the following:
    This line was edited in develop branch
  8. Resolve any conflicts then git add file_1 file_2 where file_1 and file_2 are files that had conflicts.
  9. Commit the changes git commit
  10. Push the branch back to the remote repo git push

Your branch into develop

  1. Check your repo is up to date git pull
  2. git checkout my_branch_name
  3. git checkout develop
  4. git merge my_branch_name
  5. Resolve conflicts in similar manner to section above
  6. git push