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Installation using Singularity/Apptainer container

Singularity is a container environment similar to Docker. This means a user can run PROCESS with all required dependencies installed. Singularity, however, is designed to work with user-level permissions and, as such, is supported by many shared resource administrators (unlike Docker, which poses a security risk).

Singularity can convert OCI compliant containers into the Singularity Image Format (SIF) to run the Docker container above. Download, and convert the Docker container by running:

apptainer pull process.sif docker://

Singularity will then ask for a username and password, your CCFE GitLab short username and password. Singularity will write the container into your current directory, it can then be moved or copied like any file. Running the following command will load a Singularity shell with the dependencies for PROCESS installed:

apptainer shell process.sif

Singularity will automatically mount your home ($HOME) directory into the container. Therefore, if PROCESS lives in ~/process on your system, it will also live inside of ~/process in the shell environment.

It should also be noted that while the Singularity container has a Python 3.8 by default, it will be impossible to pip install any packages without getting a Read-only file system error. This is because you are treated as a non-admin user within the container, and, as such, you cannot update the system Python. For this reason, it is recommended that you still use a virtual environment within the Singularity container (as described above). pip install <package> --user will work; however, it will cause conflicts with existing Python packages you have installed outside of your container.

Steps to use Singularity to install PROCESS on Freia

Log onto Freia and make sure the Singularity module is loaded

module load singularity/3.7.1

Pull the Singularity image and enter your git username and password when prompted:

apptainer pull process.sif docker://

Make sure you have created ssh keys and open the Singularity shell:

apptainer shell process.sif

Singularity is an environment which allows you to use dependencies not available on Freia, like the correct versions of Python and cmake. With the shell open, the installation of PROCESS can proceed as usual:

git clone
cd process
python3 -m venv env --without-pip --system-site-packages
source env/bin/activate
export PATH=$PATH:~USERNAME/.local/bin/
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

Now you can run commands within the shell like process -i tests/regression/scenarios/large-tokamak/IN.DAT to verify installation and create batch jobs.