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Style Guide

PROCESS follows the Python PEP8 style guide for its layout and namespace style. This should not conflict with Fortran90 in terms of names but may with the line lengths.

Line Length

For optimal readability, a limit of 79 characters for maximum line length has been encouraged, as recommended in PEP8. This is below the maximum line length of 132 characters for Fortran (to prevent compilation errors) and prevents long lines that run on past the edge of the screen wasting programmers time with scrolling.

Double declarations

PROCESS uses the Fortran 2008+ intrinsic precision module as shown in the example below. The use statement will need to be at the module level. See the fortran wiki for more information.

use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64

real(dp) :: b
!! Variable description

all new models should have their own function

Naming conventions

The Zen of Python

“Explicit is better than implicit.”

"Readability counts."


Use a lowercase word or words. Separate words by underscores(_) to improve readability.


Switches should start with the i_ prefix in their name, be of integer type and should be indexed from 0.


Use an uppercase single letter, word, or words. Separate words with underscores to improve readability.

Refrain from declaring or typing known numerical constants directly in the code. Instead call the value from constants.f90 If the constants doesn't exist then add it with a source link and uncertainty value.



Variable names are slowly being converted to their new verbose form as development progresses. Therefore you may come across variables that do not match the style mentioned below.

Use a lowercase single letter, word, or words. Separate words with underscores to improve readability. If converting between units it may be required to have some capital letters at the end of the variable name to differentiate between different orders of magnitude, m and M etc.

The agreed upon style is to name the variables by the following scheme:

\mathtt{var = \ <data type>\_<system>\_<description>\_<units>}

Having the units at the end of the name is only necessary when the variable is not in SI/standard units.

For example, a variable can look like:

\mathtt{var = \ a_\_tf\_wp}

Which represents:

\mathtt{var = \ \text{Area}:\text{Toroidal Field system}:\text{Winding Pack}}

So for above; a is the data type representing area, tf is the system representing the TF coils and wp is the secondary description or system. This variable thus represents the cross-sectional area of the TF coil winding pack.

It may also be useful to use several data type prefixes to greater greater clarity.

For example, a variable can look like:

\mathtt{var = \ f\_a_\_tf\_wp}

In system designation it means this:

\mathtt{var = \ \text{Fraction}:\text{Area}:\text{Toroidal Field system}:\text{Winding Pack}}

This means the variable represents the fraction of the TF coil area taken up by the winding pack.

System designations

Below are a few shorthand designations for different systems that should be used in variable names

  • Toroidal field coils: _tf_
  • Poloidal field coils: _pf_
  • Vacuum Vessel: _vv_
  • First wall: _fw_
  • Divertor: _div_
  • Blanket: _blkt_
  • Shield: _shld_
  • Central Solenoid: _cs_
  • Heating & Current Drive: _hcd_
    • Electron cyclotron current drive: _eccd_
    • Ion cyclotron current drive: _iccd_
    • Electron Bernstein Wave: _ebw_
    • Neutral Beam: _nb_
  • Centre post: _cp_ Should only be used for ST's

If the variables are physics variables and do not belong to a system then:

var = <physics variable>_<description>

The data types of different variables can be seen below:

Data types

Radii and thicknesses
  • Radial positions should start with the r_ prefix
  • Radial thicknesses should start with the dr_ prefix

  • Vertical positions should start with the z_ prefix

  • Vertical thicknesses should start with the dz_ prefix

Integer countable items
  • Integer countable items should start with the n_ prefix

Example, the total number of TF coils: n_tf_coils

Number densities
  • Number density items should start with the nd_ prefix

  • Areas should start with the a_ prefix

Example, the area of the TF winding pack: a_tf_wp

  • Volumes should start with the vol_ prefix

  • Lengths should start with the len_ prefix

  • Radii should start with the radius_ prefix

  • Velocities should start with the vel_ prefix

  • Masses should start with the m_ prefix

Mass flow rates
  • Mass flow rates should start with the mflow_ prefix

This should be used for units of \text{kg} \cdot \text{s}^{-1}

Mass fluxes rates
  • Mass fluxes should start with the mflux_ prefix

This should be used for units of \text{kg} \cdot \text{m}^{-2}\text{s}^{-1}

  • Pressures should start with the pres_ prefix
  • Pressure changes or drops should start with the dpres_ prefix

  • Densities should start with the den_ prefix

  • Voltages should start with the v_ prefix

  • Resistances should start with the res_ prefix

  • Resistivity variables should start with the rho_ prefix

  • Currents should start with the c_ prefix

  • Inductances should start with the ind_ prefix

Current densities
  • Current densities should start with the j_ prefix

  • Powers should start with the p_ prefix

Power densities
  • Power densities should start with the pden_ prefix

Power fluxes
  • Power fluxes should start with the pflux_ prefix

  • Energies should start with the e_ prefix

Particle fluence
  • Fluences should start with the flu_ prefix

  • Temperatures should start with the temp_ prefix

  • Times should start with the t_ prefix
  • Time intervals should start with the dt_ prefix

Magnetic field strengths
  • Magnetic field strengths should start with the b_

Magnetic flux
  • Magnetic fluxes can start with the web_ prefix representing Webers.

  • Since magnetic flux units are more commonly used in inductive current drive it may be more appropriate to use the vs_ prefix instead representing a \text{Vs}.

  • Frequencies should start with the freq_

  • Angles should start with the deg_ or rad_ depending on the units used

  • Lifetimes of componenets should start with the life_ prefix.

The unit declaration _fpy can be used to specify that it is the full-power year lifetime.

  • Viscosities should start with the visc_ prefix.

Variables representing fractions

If a variable is intended to demonstrate a fraction of a value or distribution etc. Then it should start with the f_ prefix.

Similar to this is variables representing efficiencies.

If a variable is intended to represent an engineering efficiency then it should start with the eta_ prefix to represent \eta


Variables used within constraint equations to scale iteration variables (f-values) should start with the f prefix without an underscore before the next word.


Try to keep names to a sensible length while also keeping the name explicit and descriptive.

Physical Type

The physical type of the variable should form the first part of the variable name, e.g. for plasma resistance the variable should be named:

res_plasma = 1.0

Another example would be pulse length

time_pulse_length = 7200.0


Inside PROCESS all variables should be in SI units unless otherwise stated. For example:

! Fusion power [W]
fusion_power = 1000.0d6

If a variable is not in SI units then its units should be put at the end of of the variable name. Example:

! Fusion power [MW]
fusion_power_MW = 1000.0d0


With f2py you may encounter a Fortran error where the variable with units at the end in capital letters is not recognised. If so for the meantime put the units in their lowercase form. This problem will be solved in the future by full Pythonisation.

Coordinates and dimensions

Coordinates should be defined as

r_plasma_centre = 9.0d0

z_plasma_centre = 0.0d0

theta_ = 

For dimensions

dr_cs = 

dz_cs = 

dtheta_description =

Loop order

Loop variables that use I, j etc. should use



Variable name Description Units
c_plasma Plasma current A
c_plasma_MA Plasma current MA
b_t_onaxis Toroidal field on-axis T
b_t_max Max toroidal field T
nd_electron_vol Volume average electron density m-3
temp_electron_vol_eV Volume avgerage electron temperature eV
m_steel Mass of steel kg
m_steel_tonne Mass of steel tonne
e_neutron_eV Energy of neutron eV
e_neutron_MeV Energy of neutron MeV
v_tf_dump TF dump voltage V
t_plant_life Plant lifetime s
t_plant_life_yrs Plant lifetime years
dr_tf_inboard_leg TF coil inboard leg radial thickness m
dr_blanket_inboard Inboard blanket thickness m
vel_coolant TF centrepost coolant velocity m/s
vol_plasma Plasma volume m3
a_plasma Plasma area m2
rad_div_target Divertor target angle radians
deg_div_target Divertor target angle deg
sig_tf_r TF radial stress Pa

Please see issue #940 to discuss new conventions.


It is greatly encouraged and recommended to include type hints for all inputs and outputs in Python. Please follow the guidelines set out in PEP-484.


The docstring style is that of the Sphinx type. Though there are some additions for Notes and References in order to give mathematical reasoning and sources to some functions.


If writing in new Python functions please use the docstring template below.

def function_name(param1, param2):
    Brief description of what the function does.

    Detailed description of the function. This can include information about the algorithm,
    any important notes, and other relevant details.

    :param type param1: Description of the first parameter.
    :param type param2: Description of the second parameter.
    :returns: Description of the return value.
    :rtype: return_type
    :raises ExceptionType: Description of the exception raised (if any).

        - Additional notes about the function.
        - Any important considerations or caveats.

        - Reference 1: Description of the reference.
        - Reference 2: Description of the reference.


If writing in new Python classes please use the docstring template below.

class ExampleClass:
    Brief description of the class.

    Detailed description of the class. This can include information about the purpose
    of the class, how it should be used, and any other relevant details.

        attribute1 (type): Description of attribute1.
        attribute2 (type): Description of attribute2.
        attribute3 (type): Description of attribute3.

        method1(param1, param2): Description of method1.
        method2(param1, param2): Description of method2.

    def __init__(self, attribute1, attribute2, attribute3):
        Initializes the ExampleClass with the given attributes.

        :param type attribute1: Description of attribute1.
        :param type attribute2: Description of attribute2.
        :param type attribute3: Description of attribute3.
        self.attribute1 = attribute1
        self.attribute2 = attribute2
        self.attribute3 = attribute3


  • Comments that contradict the code are worse than no comments

  • Comments should be complete sentences. The first word should be capitalized, unless it is an identifier that begins with a lower case letter.

  • Use inline comments sparingly.

  • Comments above apply to code below.

Code Documentation Using FORD

PROCESS uses FORD (FORtran Documentation) to automatically generate documentation from comments in the FORTRAN code. FORD parses FORTRAN source to understand the structure of the project as well as picking up "docmarked" comments in the source to create the documentation.

Regular Fortran comments are prefixed with a "!"; these are ignored by FORD and don't go into the documentation. FORD comments are prefixed by a "!!", called a docmark; these are picked up by FORD and go into the documentation.

The "!!" docmark goes after the statement it documents. For example, to document variables:

real(kind(1.0D0)) :: alphan = 0.25D0
!! Density profile index

real(kind(1.0D0)) :: alphap = 0.0D0
!! Pressure profile index

real(kind(1.0D0)) :: alpha_rate_density = 0.0D0
!! Alpha particle production rate (particles/m3/sec)

...and to document modules:

module global_variables
  !! Module containing miscellaneous global variables
  !! This module contains miscellaneous global variables not
  !! well-suited to any of the other 'variables' modules.

This documentation will appear in the FORD docs section in the left-hand navigation bar. Within this site, the "Variables" section in the top navigation bar provides variable descriptions in the same manner as the original "vardes" page.

To document a statement before it occurs in the source, use "!>". However, it is encouraged to use "!!" for consistency. The rationale behind this and further information is included on the FORD wiki.

The FORD project on github can be found here.

Example of FORD documentation for a subroutine (constraint equation)

subroutine constraint_eqn_001(args)
  !! author: J Morris
  !! category: equality constraint
  !! Relationship between beta, temperature (keV) and density
  !! \begin{equation} 
  !! c_i = 1 - \frac{1}{\beta}\left( \beta_{ft} + \beta_{NBI} + 2 \times 10^3 \mu_0 e
  !! \left( \frac{n_e T_e + n_i T_i}{B_{tot}^2} \right) \right)
  !! \end{equation}
  !! - \( \beta \) -- total plasma beta
  !! - \( \beta_{ft} \) -- fast alpha beta component
  !! - \( \beta_{NBI} \) -- neutral beam beta component
  !! - \( n_e \) -- electron density [m\(^3\)]
  !! - \( n_i \) -- total ion density [m\(^3\)]
  !! - \( T_e \) -- density weighted average electron temperature [keV]
  !! - \( T_i \) -- density weighted average ion temperature [keV]
  !! - \( B_{tot} \) -- total toroidal + poloidal field [T]

  use physics_variables, only: beta_fast_alpha, beta_beam, dene, ten, nd_ions_total, tin, btot, beta
  use constants, only: electron_charge,rmu0

  implicit none

  type(constraint_args_type), intent(out) :: args
  !! constraint derived type

    args%cc = 1.0D0 - (beta_fast_alpha + beta_beam + &
      2.0D3*rmu0*electron_charge * (dene*ten + nd_ions_total*tin)/btot**2 )/beta
    args%con = beta * (1.0D0 - args%cc)
    args%err = beta * args%cc
    args%symbol = '='
    args%units  = ''

end subroutine constraint_eqn_001


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