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Plasma physics

Documentation re-write

The plasma documenation is slowly going through an update to ensure each section is properly decribed and up to date. Each section of the plasma now has its own dedicated page


By default, the plasma is assumed to have an up-down asymmetric, single null configuration (although this can be changed with user inputs). A great number of physics models are coded within PROCESS to describe the behaviour of the plasma parameters such as its current, temperature, density, pressure, confinement etc., and also the various limits that define the stable operating domain.

More detail is given in 1, but this webpage is more up to date.

  1. M. Kovari, R. Kemp, H. Lux, P. Knight, J. Morris, D.J. Ward, '“PROCESS”: A systems code for fusion power plants—Part 1: Physics' Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (2014) 3054–3069