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Profile Abstract Base Class | Profile(ABC)

The Profile class serves as a template for subclasses that represent different types of profiles. It initialises the profile with a specified size and sets up the basic structure for storing profile data. The profile size attribute is assigned as an integer with the profile x and y values initialised to empty numpy arrays.

Normalise the profile in x | normalise_profile_x()

The values of the profiles x dimension are normalised to be between 0 and 1 by dividing the total profile size.

Calculate the profile steps in x | calculate_profile_dx()

The difference or step size between each concurrent value in x is calculated by dividing the max value in x by the profile size minus one.

Calculate the profile y values | calculate_profile_y()

This acts as an abstract holder method for the particular profile solving functions to be assigned to.

Calculate the profile integral value | integrate_profile_y()

The profile is integrated between its minimum and maximum bounds using the Simpsons rule integration method from scipy using the step size from calculate_profile_dx().