scan_select Subroutine

public subroutine scan_select(nwp, swp, iscn, vlab, xlab)

Routine to select first scan case author: J Morris, UKAEA, Culham Science Centre


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in) :: nwp
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:):: swp
integer, intent(in) :: iscn
character(len=25), intent(out) :: vlab
character(len=25), intent(out) :: xlab


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine scan_select(nwp, swp, iscn, vlab, xlab)
    !! Routine to select first scan case
    !! author: J Morris, UKAEA, Culham Science Centre
    ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

	use build_variables, only: blnkoth, shldith, scrapli, scraplo, ohcth
    use constraint_variables, only: fiooic, walalw, bmxlim, fqval, taulimit, &
        gammax, t_burn_min, tbrmin, fjprot, pnetelin, powfmax
	use cost_variables, only: cfactr, iavail, fkind, startupratio
	use current_drive_variables, only: bootstrap_current_fraction_max, etaech
	use divertor_variables, only: hldivlim
	use error_handling, only: idiags, report_error
    use fwbs_variables, only: inlet_temp_liq, outlet_temp_liq, blpressure_liq, &
        n_liq_recirc, bz_channel_conduct_liq, pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll, f_nuc_pow_bz_struct, pitch
	use impurity_radiation_module, only: fimp, coreradius, impurity_arr_frac
    use physics_variables, only: kappa, beta_norm_max, te, aspect, ftar, bt, &
        rad_fraction_sol, triang, rmajor, beamfus0, hfact
    use numerics, only: epsvmc, boundu, boundl
    use tfcoil_variables, only: tmargmin_tf, sig_tf_case_max, n_pancake, oacdcp, &
      n_layer, b_crit_upper_nbti, sig_tf_wp_max, fcoolcp, n_tf_turn
    use heat_transport_variables, only: crypmw_max, etath
    use rebco_variables, only: copperaoh_m2_max
    use pfcoil_variables, only: coheof, ohhghf, oh_steel_frac
    use CS_fatigue_variables, only: n_cycle_min, t_crack_vertical
    implicit none

    ! Arguments
    integer, intent(in) :: nwp, iscn
    real(dp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: swp
    character(len=25), intent(out) :: vlab, xlab

    select case (nwp)
        ! Use underscores instead of spaces in xlabel
        ! MDK Remove the "=" from vlabel, to make it easier to compare with
        ! list of iteration variables

        case (1)
            aspect = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'aspect' ; xlab = 'Aspect_ratio'
        case (2)
            hldivlim = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'hldivlim' ; xlab = 'Div_heat_limit_(MW/m2)'
        case (3)
            pnetelin = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'pnetelin' ; xlab = 'Net_electric_power_(MW)'
        case (4)
            hfact = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'hfact' ; xlab = 'Confinement_H_factor'
        case (5)
            oacdcp = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'oacdcp' ; xlab = 'TF_inboard_leg_J_(MA/m2)'
        case (6)
            walalw = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'walalw' ; xlab = 'Allow._wall_load_(MW/m2)'
        case (7)
            beamfus0 = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'beamfus0' ; xlab = 'Beam_bkgrd_multiplier'
        case (8)
            fqval = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'fqval' ; xlab = 'Big_Q_f-value'
        case (9)
            te = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'te' ; xlab = 'Electron_temperature_keV'
        case (10)
            boundu(15) = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'boundu(15)' ; xlab = 'Volt-second_upper_bound'
        case (11)
            beta_norm_max = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'beta_norm_max' ; xlab = 'Beta_coefficient'
        case (12)
            bootstrap_current_fraction_max = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'bootstrap_current_fraction_max' ; xlab = 'Bootstrap_fraction'
        case (13)
            boundu(10) = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'boundu(10)' ; xlab = 'H_factor_upper_bound'
        case (14)
            fiooic = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'fiooic' ; xlab = 'TFC_Iop_/_Icrit_f-value'
        case (15)
            fjprot = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'fjprot' ; xlab = 'TFC_Jprot_limit_f-value'
        case (16)
            rmajor = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'rmajor' ; xlab = 'Plasma_major_radius_(m)'
        case (17)
            bmxlim = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'bmxlim' ; xlab = 'Max_toroidal_field_(T)'
        case (18)
            gammax = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'gammax' ; xlab = 'Maximum_CD_gamma'
        case (19)
            boundl(16) = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'boundl(16)' ; xlab = 'CS_thickness_lower_bound'
        case (20)
            t_burn_min = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 't_burn_min' ; xlab = 'Minimum_burn_time_(s)'
        case (21)
            ! sigpfalw = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'obsolete' ; xlab = 'obsolete'
        case (22)
            if (iavail == 1) call report_error(95)
            cfactr = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'cfactr' ; xlab = 'Plant_availability_factor'
        case (23)
            boundu(72) = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'boundu(72)' ; xlab = 'Ip/Irod_upper_bound'
        case (24)
            powfmax = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'powfmax' ; xlab = 'Fusion_power_limit_(MW)'
        case (25)
            kappa = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'kappa' ; xlab = 'Plasma_elongation'
        case (26)
            triang = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'triang' ; xlab = 'Plasma_triangularity'
        case (27)
            tbrmin = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'tbrmin' ; xlab = 'Min_tritium_breed._ratio'
        case (28)
            bt = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'bt' ; xlab = 'Tor._field_on_axis_(T)'
        case (29)
            coreradius = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'coreradius' ; xlab = 'Core_radius'
        case (30)
            !fimpvar = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'OBSOLETE' ; xlab = 'OBSOLETE'
        case (31)
            taulimit = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'taulimit' ; xlab = 'Taup/taueff_lower_limit'
        case (32)
            epsvmc = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'epsvmc' ; xlab = 'VMCON error tolerance'
        case (33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 47)
            write(*,*) 'Kallenbach model has been removed, remove the kallenbach scan variables'
            stop 1
        case (38)
            boundu(129) = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'boundu(129)' ; xlab = ' Neon upper limit'
        case (39)
            boundu(131) = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'boundu(131)' ; xlab = ' Argon upper limit'
        case (40)
            boundu(135) = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'boundu(135)' ; xlab = ' Xenon upper limit'
        case (41)
            blnkoth = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'blnkoth' ; xlab = 'Outboard blanket thick.'
        case (42)
            fimp(9) = swp(iscn)
            impurity_arr_frac(9) = fimp(9)
            vlab = 'fimp(9)' ; xlab = 'Argon fraction'
        case (43)
            ! rho_ecrh = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'obsolete' ; xlab = 'obsolete'
        case (44)
            sig_tf_case_max = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'sig_tf_case_max' ; xlab = 'Allowable_stress_in_tf_coil_case_Tresca_(pa)'
        case (45)
            tmargmin_tf = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'tmargmin_tf' ; xlab = 'Minimum_allowable_temperature_margin'
        case (46)
            boundu(152) = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'boundu(152)' ; xlab = 'Max allowable fgwsep'
        case (48)
            n_pancake = int(swp(iscn))
            vlab = 'n_pancake' ; xlab = 'TF Coil - n_pancake'
        case (49)
            n_layer = int(swp(iscn))
            vlab = 'n_layer' ; xlab = 'TF Coil - n_layer'
        case (50)
            fimp(13) = swp(iscn)
            impurity_arr_frac(13) = fimp(13)
            vlab = 'fimp(13)' ; xlab = 'Xenon fraction'
        case (51)
            ftar = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'ftar' ; xlab = 'lower_divertor_power_fraction'
        case (52)
            rad_fraction_sol = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'rad_fraction_sol' ; xlab = 'SoL radiation fraction'
        case (53)
            boundu(157) = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'boundu(157)' ; xlab = 'Max allowable fvssu'
        case (54)
            b_crit_upper_nbti = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'Bc2(0K)' ; xlab = 'GL_NbTi Bc2(0K)'
            shldith = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'shldith' ; xlab = 'Inboard neutronic shield'
            crypmw_max = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'crypmw_max' ; xlab = 'max allowable crypmw'
            boundl(2) = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'boundl(2)' ; xlab = 'bt minimum'
            scrapli = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'scrapli' ; xlab = 'Inboard FW-plasma sep gap'
            scraplo = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'scraplo' ; xlab = 'Outboard FW-plasma sep gap'
        case (60)
            sig_tf_wp_max = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'sig_tf_wp_max' ; xlab = 'Allowable_stress_in_tf_coil_conduit_Tresca_(pa)'
        case (61)
            copperaoh_m2_max = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'copperaoh_m2_max' ; xlab = 'Max CS coil current / copper area'
        case (62)
            coheof = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'coheof' ; xlab = 'CS coil current density at EOF (A/m2)'
        case (63)
            ohcth = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'ohcth' ; xlab = 'CS coil thickness (m)'
        case (64)
            ohhghf = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'ohhghf' ; xlab = 'CS height (m)'
        case (65)
            n_cycle_min = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'n_cycle_min' ; xlab = 'CS stress cycles min'
        case (66)
            oh_steel_frac = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'oh_steel_frac' ; xlab = 'CS steel fraction'
        case (67)
            t_crack_vertical = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 't_crack_vertical' ; xlab = 'Initial crack vertical size (m)'
        case (68)
            inlet_temp_liq = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'inlet_temp_liq' ; xlab = 'Inlet Temperature Liquid Metal Breeder/Coolant (K)'
        case (69)
            outlet_temp_liq = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'outlet_temp_liq' ; xlab = 'Outlet Temperature Liquid Metal Breeder/Coolant (K)'
            blpressure_liq = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'blpressure_liq' ; xlab = 'Blanket liquid metal breeder/coolant pressure (Pa)'
            n_liq_recirc = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'n_liq_recirc' ; xlab = 'Selected number of liquid metal breeder recirculations per day'
            bz_channel_conduct_liq = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'bz_channel_conduct_liq'  ; xlab = 'Conductance of liquid metal breeder duct walls (A V-1 m-1)'
            pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll' ; xlab = 'Ratio of FW nuclear power as fraction of total (FW+BB)'
            f_nuc_pow_bz_struct = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'f_nuc_pow_bz_struct' ; xlab = 'Fraction of BZ power cooled by primary coolant for dual-coolant balnket'
            pitch = swp(iscn)
            vlab = 'pitch' ; xlab = 'pitch of first wall cooling channels (m)'
        case (76)
            etath = swp(iscn)
              vlab = 'etath' ; xlab = 'Thermal conversion eff.'
        case (77)
            startupratio = swp(iscn)
              vlab = 'startupratio' ; xlab = 'Gyrotron redundancy'
        case (78)
            fkind = swp(iscn)
              vlab = 'fkind' ; xlab = 'Multiplier for Nth of a kind costs'
        case (79)
            etaech = swp(iscn)
              vlab = 'etaech' ; xlab = 'ECH wall plug to injector efficiency'
        case (80)
            fcoolcp = swp(iscn)
                vlab = 'fcoolcp' ; xlab = 'Coolant fraction of TF'
        case (81)
            n_tf_turn = swp(iscn)
                vlab = 'n_tf_turn' ; xlab = 'Number of turns in TF'
        case default
            idiags(1) = nwp ; call report_error(96)

    end select

  end subroutine scan_select